Several Seed Financing Rounds by Business Angels (2013-17)
Sector: Sports/ Event Management Marketing
Chessboxing was brought to life by Dutch born Iepe Rubingh in 2003. He was inspired by „Froid Équateur“, a graphic novel written by comic artist and film directorEnki Bilal in 1992. Enki Bilal further created a series of paintings with chessboxing motifs. One of his major paintings was unveiled and auctioned by Artcurial on Champs Élysées in Paris, the respective proceeds providing the first external financing of the company in 2013, complemented by private investors in subsequent years.
Chessboxing combines the #1 thinking and the #1 fighting sport into 11 alternating rounds of fighting, whereby opponents win by checkmate or knockout – whichever comes first.Under its own brand Berlin based Chess Boxing Global Marketing builds a professional league. The first World Championships were held in Moscow in 2013 and in Berlin in 2014. After founding the World Chess Boxing Organization (WCBO) chessboxing clubs and associations started appearing all over the world. As of 2015 the WCBO already had members in China, India, Italy, Russia, Germany, Mexico, Turkey and the US. Funds raised allow to keep on building.
in rebus corporate finance supported Chess Boxing Global Marketing GmbH as exclusive financial advisor throughout various Seed investments.
Latest proof that Chessboxing will eventually change the world: Chessboxing on Elementary